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Girl Power Therapy Services

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At Girl Power, our mission is to provide at-promise girls with the guidance and tools they need to overcome challenges and thrive. We believe in building our girls’ confidence and self-esteem so they are able to grow into healthy and strong individuals. With the right foundation, girls are able to drastically change their life to lead a better future. 

Joining Girl Power is the first big step in changing the course of a young girl’s life, but the real and necessary change begins at home. When our girls are supported with a healthy home and family dynamic, they are able to accomplish so much more. This is why Girl Power is proud to partner with Jewish Community Services of South Florida and Agape Network to bring trauma-informed Individual and family therapy services to the girls and families we serve.

The Importance of Therapy

in Underserved Communities

A majority of Girl Power participants come from low-income communities. Families who live at or below the poverty line face many stressors, including food insecurity, housing instability, and trauma. These stressors can lead to mental health challenges and substance abuse, causing an abusive or neglectful family life, which in turn can lead to adverse mental health effects for the children. Underserved communities also deal with heightened levels of crime and poor infrastructure, which further contributes to mental health stressors.


Families in these communities also face more barriers to receiving therapy. Health insurance may not cover psychological therapy, and the out of pocket cost may be prohibitive. Parents in low wage positions may also not have the flexibility to visit a therapist during business hours.

Why is Individual and Family Therapy Necessary?

By offering trauma-informed therapy services, Girl Power is able to make a more profound difference in the life of at-promise girls. Too often girls live their lives without addressing trauma that they may have experienced and inevitably affects their growth into adulthood. Through our partnerships with Jewish Community Services of South Florida and the Agape Network, we are able to provide guidance and intervention from mental health therapists. 


Individual and family therapy helps girls build healthy communication and strong relationships. Talking to a mental health therapist can open doors and give clarity to underlying issues that may be the cause of academic problems, acting out, low self-esteem, and other social-emotional challenges. Having a strong relationship with their family can greatly impact a girl’s self-esteem and emotional development. 


Many of the girls who come to Girl Power have been through unimaginable trauma, including sex trafficking and abuse. Therapy is offered to girls to help them overcome traumatic events that may be affecting their mental health. Working through trauma can empower girls and free them of their pasts so they’re able to work towards bettering their future. At Girl Power, we hope to change the course of a girl’s life by offering evidence-based curriculums that help towards making a positive change. Individual and family therapy can be the start of this change.

Benefits of Therapy

Therapy allows for a child’s needs to be voiced in an environment that is conducive to resolving issues. Some of the benefits of therapy include:


  • Gain better parent-child communication

  • Stronger family relationships

  • Healthy family dynamics

  • Improved problem solving

  • Develop healthy coping skills


  • A healthy way to deal with stress

  • Improved mental health

  • Higher self-esteem in girls

  • Expressing emotions in healthy ways

  • Overcoming trauma

It can be hard to handle trauma alone, and therapy provides the guidance and advice needed to get through these difficult times. In therapy sessions, families learn the best ways to support their children as they learn and grow. Girl Power hopes to support girls and their families as they work towards positive change. By offering therapy, we hope your family has the support to grow with your child and move past trauma towards a brighter future.

Donate to our Girl Power Therapy Services

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